Friday, April 3, 2009


I'm suffering from a serious case of spring fever, which has manifested into writers block. It's frustrating - I have a lot to say (I usually do!), but I have been paralyzed when it comes to writing it down. My mind is completely discombobulated by all of the of scheduling and planning I have to do. With a change of season comes a change of schedules, and in my case that means 3 new schedules must be committed to memory, and "Houdiniesque" magic tricks must be performed in order for me to be in 3 places all at once - never a dull moment.

While evaluating the children's new schedules, my mind naturally drifted and I became philosophical in my thinking. I started to think about how we are forever changing. There is a beginning and an end to everything we do. We may think that we follow the same routine everyday, but eventually that routine morphs into a new routine without us ever noticing.

Change is good - it represents a new beginning or a new chapter in our lives. Change happens for all kinds of reasons. Some changes are out of our control, such as illness and death, while others are planned; going to college, getting married, etc. As I think back through the years, my life reads like a chapter book – I suspect most of our lives do. Some chapters are better then others.

I've been lucky, I have many fond memories of the past, and no regrets, but when times were tough, they were really tough. When our daughter passed away, my life forever changed. Her short life taught me many great lessons - things that I wish I had learned under different circumstances. She has given me, and Raj, a precious gift; the gift of understanding what truly matters in life, and how to separate the small things from the big things, and the good from the bad. I am at peace knowing that she will forever be in our hearts, and in the hearts of her brothers and sister as we pass her gift of life onto them. She has changed us for the better.

Life is a process of change, a metamorphosis. We change physically and emotionally as we go though each stage of our lives. It's interesting because we basically all follow the same pattern, the same set of milestones. Through all of these changes, most of our character remains the same, and we still hold onto the same value system we grew up with. I think what changes for most of us, and I speak solely from my own experiences, is our philosophy on life, and our acceptance and tolerance for things.

My sister Betsy is two months away from starting a new chapter in her life - she and her husband are expecting their first child. Expecting a baby is such a beautiful time in life - full of dreams of the unknown. As Betsy’s big sister, I am tickled when I think of how drastic her life is about to change…for the better (I promise Betz!). A baby brings a lot of joy and wonderful changes to one's life. But, unlike a hairstyle, a baby is forever. There's no turning back, no changes here except for diapers...lots of them!

I'm due for a change (ha ha). I'm ready to begin a new chapter in my life. I will be busy pursuing some of my own dreams…we'll see where they lead me.



  1. Still don't know what I was waiting for
    And my time was running wild
    A million dead-end streets
    Every time I thought I'd got it made
    It seemed the taste was not so sweet
    So I turned myself to face me
    But I've never caught a glimpse
    Of how the others must see the faker
    I'm much too fast to take that test


    Rock on Czzy!

  2. Clever one Czzy, keep on blogging!

  3. Wow, a really powerful article. Thank you for giving us all something to think about.

  4. Thank you for your thought provoking blog, Czzy- change IS good!
