Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Shiny Bubble

I thought that it was time to introduce my family (pseudonyms of course). My husband Raj is the greatest guy. I always say that I must have done something great in my former life to deserve him. William, my oldest son is 11 years old and quite the tween. He's really into playing the guitar and has sophisticated taste in music. When he grows up he wants to play for the Yankees and be a rock star - good luck with that Will! My daughter Elizabeth is a budding tween and is turning 9 early next week. She is the family artist and a huge animal lover - hence our 3 dogs, Chloe, Zeek, and Zoey. Elizabeth can't decide if she wants to be an artist, an actress, or work in a pet store. Benjamin, my baby, is 6. He's the family comedian and a real charmer. His favorite sport is soccer and when he grows up he wants to be a "ventor" (inventor) - he actually has some very clever ideas.

I had a great meal last night in NYC at Sfoglia. A recently divorced and aging pop-star was there with her new Brazilian boy toy and groupies. She gave Raj a wave and a smile which was a bit disappointing considering that they are business colleagues. Just last week the pop-star and Raj were having lunch, not together, but at the same restaurant. She came from behind and planted a huge kiss on his cheek and made a big deal about how great it was to see him, blah,blah, blah. Last night this pop-star was clearly on a mission. She commanded the table of her younger Brazilian groupies much like an older sibling from your father's first marriage would do (they were from his 3rd or 4th, you get the picture). She needed their 20 something year-old approval of her 50 year-old self. No doubt she was preaching, something I recall her asking her papa not to do in the 80's.

We went skiing over MLK weekend in Woodstock, Vermont. We stayed at the Woodstock Inn where we meet up for dinner with some friends who have homes in the area. The kids were all rambunctious from sitting in the car for four hours and, they were beyond excited to be in VT together with their friends. There were 8 kids in all and aside from them getting yelled at a few times from the guests in the room next door - you can imagine 8 children literally bouncing off the walls and on the beds in a small hotel room - all went well. The adults were naturally enjoying a night cap down the hall.

The last time I went skiing I conceived William - that was 12 years ago. I was never big on skiing buy I did enjoy our once a year trip out west and a trip to Mount blanc. I'm what you would call a cautious skier. I don't like to fall, and heights freak me out a bit. I have also had a few "incidents" with the lifts that were embarrassing at best. I once fell off of a t-bar lift in Italy and rather then letting go I hung on for dear life just so I wouldn't have to do it all over again. Fortunately, Raj was behind me and caught my run-away ski. That was the same trip that we met a "doctor" by the fire in the ski lodge. Let's just say that the "aspirin" he gave me worked. It took away all my aches and pains and I was out skiing again the next day, after taking another "aspirin" of course. I don't buy the "doctor" line any more.... thankfully, we didn't need a "doctor" on our Vermont trip - just a little acetaminophen for the morning after headaches that coincidentally all of the adults suffered from.

We all had a blast skiing. Benjamin was in true form barreling straight down the mountain shouting "yeah baby," and Will and Elizabeth valiantly kept up with their more experienced friends. We returned home with only a few minor bruises and with all 3 children declaring their love of VT and their need of more cold vacations.

Will had his 5th grade D.A.R.E. (Drugs and Alcohol Resistance Education) graduation ceremony this week. Our family recently moved from the private school sector to public school and I have to say that I continue to be blown away by the school. I honestly had no idea what to expect from the public school. I have read and heard what a great school system our community has but, I still remained skeptical. Admittedly, I am guilty of getting caught up in the elitism of private school. It was like being inside a perfect shiny bubble separated from those who are not part of the club. The school campus is breathtakingly beautiful, and it should be considering the time they spend on fundraising. Our children's' new school may not be beautiful on the outside, but it is incredibly beautiful on the inside. The administration and faculty are genuine. They celebrate a child's strengths and encourage them to strengthen their weaknesses. I look into my children's' eyes and I see a change. They have been liberated - they no longer have to conform to a school's unrealistic ideals. They can be themselves, they can venture outside of "the box" without being ridiculed - they can actually feel good about it. Greatness comes to those who are willing to be different, to those who take risks and explore. Our shiny bubble popped - and not a moment to soon.

I can't sign off today without mentioning our new president, President Obama. His inaugural speech was beautifully written and humbly delivered. President Obama has a very tall charge before him and I am hopeful that we will see better days.

Have a great weekend!