Friday, March 20, 2009


Finding material to write about for a weekly blog is challenging. As a writer, one of the principle rules I follow is simple - write what you know. When I write, I often draw from my own life experiences, or I get an idea from something interesting that a person around me has said or done. I also use current events for ideas, as I did for the postings of "Beware of the Fat Bug," "Barbie's World," and "Public School Envy."

A reader of 3 Kids and a Dog…Plus 2 referred to last week's blog as "reality TV." I am thrilled that I have sparked an emotion in this reader. I do not watch much reality TV but I have seen enough to know that this was not a compliment.

I scrolled through my past blogs to see what she meant by her comment (which by the way she accidentally forwarded to me…Oops! A future blog will deal with email etiquette). She is right, there is "reality" in what I write, and that is exactly what I hope to bring to my readers - real life issues that many of us can relate to. Whether I am writing about something campy, like Barbie's 50th birthday, or a more serious topic such as choosing the right school for our children, I often lend my experiences to the story. Making a connection, so to speak, brings life to a story – it adds honesty and emotion to a topic that otherwise may be just factual.

The "reality TV" comment got me to thinking. If I were to have a reality TV series I would call it "The PA" (parents association). It would be brilliant! There would be several leading roles: the controlling former business executive, who runs her home, children, and the PA like a business; the mother with too much help, and oh too little time; and then there could be the competitive mother who wants to "one-up" everyone on everything. This is an excellent example of writing about what you know – been there, seen that! My role would be producer. Writing about binging on Doritos with my son is one thing, having it caught on camera is another - I'll leave that up to the Kardashians.

Back to reality ladies -spring has arrived and it is time to put away our light boxes, shave our legs, and get happy. I look forward to this time of year. After a long cold and snowy winter spring-cleaning begins: we open our screen porch, sweep terraces clean, covers come off the outdoor furniture, and the grill gets going. The children will celebrate spring with their cousins, and a few friends, roasting marshmallows and eating s'mores in our roaring outdoor fireplace. It is a fun time of year.

Spring for me also means preparing for our vegetable garden - I will be tilling soil (that's a sight!), and seeding - there is much to do, so I will post every two weeks now. If you would like to make a comment, or suggestion regarding my blog, it does not have to be by accident. You can comment anonymously by going to Post a Comment, then Select a Profile. I look forward to hearing from you.