Friday, February 27, 2009

The Donald

We have just returned bronzed and fresh from a week in Palm Beach. The children had a blast swimming, surfing and meeting other children. They were very sad to have to pack up and head back north – always a sign of a good vacation.

Esmar, our incredible nanny, joined us on vacation. Without her, our vacation would not have been nearly as relaxing. Each morning Raj and I were able to workout together, and in the evenings, we could escape for dinner on our own. Esmar is a Godsend and we all adore her.

One evening, while Esmar and the children hung out in the hotel game room, Raj and I had cocktails with a friend at his very exclusive club, The Mar-a-Lago Club. It has been close to 13 years since Raj and I had last been there. At the time, Donald Trump, who purchased the estate in the mid-80's, was on his 2nd wife, Marla Maples - and the dust from their scandalous relationship had just about settled.

Mar-a-Lago, as it is appropriately named, means sea-to-lake in Latin. The estate is comprised of 20 beautifully manicured sea-to-lake acres with exceptional water views. Raj and I have been lucky enough to see the property during the day and during the evening - both times were equally stunning.

Our first visit to Mar-a-Lago was during the afternoon. We toured the estate grounds (as Marla frolicked poolside in her bikini), and we toured a few of the 126 interior rooms. The estate, which was originally built in the 1920's by the elegant Majorie Merriweather Post (at the time Mrs. E.F. Hutton), has a museum like quality to it, with every detail from doorknobs to the light fixtures meticulously appointed. To The Donald's credit, he has done a phenomenal job restoring it. My favorite room is the bar. Not because of the room's stately mahogany walls, or because of the elegant drapes and upholstery, but because of a rare portrait hanging prominently for all to enjoy while sipping a favorite libation.

During our recent visit, we enjoyed our own libation on the terrace. The stars shined brightly above and the breeze was heavenly. The lights from West Palm Beach twinkled happily in the distance across Lake Worth, and we sat next to Mr. Trump and wife No. 3. We exchanged pleasantries with The Donald, and she smiled (I keep wondering who No. 4 will be!). A spectacular evening, but for one small detail…jets roared thunderously across the sky, for what seemed like every 10 minutes, making it very difficult to hear one another speak..."Excuse me?!" For all of its splendors, Mar-a-Lago has the misfortune of being located directly beneath the main flight path of Palm Beach International Airport... How does the "jet set" stand it?

My metallic gold Jimmy Choos worked overtime aerating the grounds (a cost savings for The Donald) as we strolled along the property after cocktails. Our visit was nearing an end, as we had dinner reservations in town. However, before I could leave I had to see it again – "The Portrait." It is not often that a commoner, such as me, has the privilege of seeing such a rare piece of art once, let alone twice. The average person has a far greater chance of seeing the Mona Lisa in their lifetime; the Louvre, is open to the public for a nominal fee, as opposed to Mar-a-Lago's six-digit membership fee.

I hobble along the sprawling lawn, up the terrace staircase and into the mahogany bar – and there it was, right before my very eyes – the most outrageous, comical portrait I have ever seen…The Donald, sporting tennis whites and his signature comb-over. OMG!

Amongst chauffeurs and Bentleys, Raj and I were graciously escorted into our rented gold Kia minivan, and excitedly sped off to our next adventure – theatre at its best…dinner in Palm Beach.


  1. Czzy,

    I love it! I hope that I too have the chance to view such a rare peice of art.

  2. Interesting to read this, eight years later. Who would have expected he would become president? I read through it a second time to get the details right. I wonder if that painting is still there?

  3. Amanda, So glad you found the post. The painting is still hanging proudly. I have seen it several times in web post while "the Donald" was running for president.
