Saturday, January 3, 2009

Today is my first posting. I am starting this blog as my New Year's resolution. Normally I don't make a New Year's resolution. I've always believed that if you need to make a change or to improve yourself, there is no time like the present - you don't need a new year to change. However, this year, I've made an exception.

When people ask me what I do I often hear myself saying "I'm a pseudo writer." I actually am a writer - I just don't get paid, at least not in recent years. As a stay-at-home mom I have found it to be nearly impossible to find time to sit down and write. And, if I do have the time I inevitably have a block. For whatever reason, It seems as though my creative juices flow best at night as I lie awake in bed, which I have to admit is not the most convenient of times. I promise myself each night that I will remember to write down all of my wonderful story ideas the second I awake. Unfortunately, the second I awake all that I can think about is that first cup of delicious hot coffee waiting to be drunk and the 3 million things I have on my "To Do" list for the day. So, all of those wonderful story ideas have been long forgotten. Pathetic isn't it?

This blog, I promise, wont be your stereo-typical housewife whining and complaining about her privileged life, but rather about expressing my ideas and feelings, and sharing experiences that many of you may relate to. As a stay-at-home mom I have paid my dues...all of my children go to school full-time - a real feat in the world of motherhood. I have as they say, seen the light!! This is why I have made an exception to having a New Year's resolution for 2009. I want to write and it is through this blog that I will express my thoughts.

A bit about me. I've given birth to four beautiful children - two girls and two boys, I have a great husband, 3 dogs, and a bearded dragon (not my idea). The reason I say "given birth to" is because my first child, a precious baby girl died shortly after birth. It's a long and sad story, one that I don't regret and that I will share in a future blog. My children are 11, almost 9, and 6 years-old. Our dogs, Chloe, Zeek and Zoey, are the children I would have like to have had, if I had not had my tubes tied (I get pregnant way to easily).

I am thrilled to begin writing 3 Kids and a Dog...Plus 2, it has been a long time coming. I have lots to say, and I hope that you will return again and again to read my postings.

Happy New Year,

Czzy My Zimbio


  1. Good for you!!! What a WONDERFUL way to not only utilize your obvious Godgiven talents but also document Narang tales for generations to come! What a priceless keepsake for your family....

    The week I founded my own company, my fortune cookie read, "A goal is a dream with a deadline." I still have it taped to the wall next to my desk. Congrats on finding the right time in life to put a deadline on chasing a dream!! I look forward to reading more....

    PS. The Lucky Numbers on that fortune were 45,23,16,2,46,26....My luck dried up and they brought me no fortune but perhaps they will be lucky for you?...!!

  2. A hearty "congratulations" on your first blog posting. I, for one, will be checking in often and so look forward to reading your news, anecdotes, insights on all things -- including remarks on all things relating to us stay-at-home moms. What a great New Years resolution...cheers to you. xo, Gina

  3. What a great New Year's resolution! Your blog is wonderful. I look forward to reading all your remarks on motherhood (especially when I'm up with the baby at 3am!...hahaha). Best to you all, Linda

    By the way, I love the family picture you've posted.
